Daily Encouragement for 6-24-24
Hello team! Today is a great day to set your goals for the week. Each day is a new opportunity for a growth mindset, regardless of what is happening around you. Growing daily, even in an emotionally dry place, takes courage. Life can and will stop you in your tracks with no warning. That is why it is essential to build up your emotional toolbox so you can be ready to use the tools when going through the dry seasons of your life. But remember, you are not alone in this journey. Your community is here for you, especially during the dry season. I want to focus on internal anxiety today. Internal anxiety is a thief, and it will cause you to disconnect, disengage, and steal your joy. Anxiety can make your very bones feel dry. It can make you feel as if you are suffocating. I am a woman of faith, and at these times, I lean on scripture and prayer to help me through these seasons. I respect and understand that each of you has your own belief system, and regardless of where you are in it, you are not alone. You have community and have been working daily on your mind, body, and spirit. You don’t need to choose to let your right now dictate your outcome. Remember, your happiness is your responsibility.