Goochland Cars & Coffee 2025
We love that the number of these grows each season, auto enthusiasts of all ages and interests gather at the skatepark to show off cars, swap stories and just have a good time. It’s just one more thing that we love about goochland!
From The organizers:
Ok @everyone!! Here’s our 2025 SCHEDULE!! I will also try to work in an evening event with some Foodtrucks! Also, all of these dates do not interfere with our good neighbors Richmond Cars & Coffee!!
As always all these dates are always from 8am-10am at the skatepark parkinglot
•March 22nd
•April 19th
•May 10th
•June 14th & 28th
•July 12th & 26th
•August 9th & 23rd
•September 6th & 20th
•October 18th
•November 15th