Daily Encouragement for 8-8-2024
Starting over can feel scary and complicated; however, each day, hour, and minute can be a new opportunity to start over. It will help if you learn to look at situations and obstacles as opportunities rather than with frustration or heartbreak. A quote I read by Nicole Sobon was so helpful that I wanted to share it with you. “Sometimes the hardest part isn’t letting go but rather learning to start over.” Every time I try to learn a new skill, it is challenging. Learning has always been difficult for me, but I try to tackle the hard things in several ways; however, the emotional piece has always been the most challenging. When dealing with emotional obstacles, I view them as if I were watching a movie. When I allow emotions to exist but don’t allow emotional responses to consume me, I can navigate life’s challenges with a healthy outlook rather than a harmful or defeating response. Everything we do has a ripple effect, and our choices impact our lives and those around us. Starting over can be overwhelming, but you can not succeed if you dont fail. You have been doing the work for months. You have the strength to do hard things. Starting over is an opportunity to recreate your best self. Starting over is a beautiful opportunity. Remember, your happiness is your responsibility.