Daily letters from the restaurant owner, and general manager Christine Fauver. These are written to her restaurant kitchen team and front of the house servers to show her appreciation for what they do and to encourage them not only at work but in their daily lives.

Daily Encouragement for 5-16-2024

As we continue our series the garden of the mind, I want to talk about a seed that is important to plant—the seed of peace. In a world often besieged by chaos and uncertainty, the pursuit of peace becomes not just a desire but a necessity for the well-being of our souls. I want to share a scripture that has been an important part of my peace during life’s stormy seasons. Philippians 4:6-7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” I believe we are either walking in a storm, you are currently in the storm, or you are stepping out of the storm.

Philippians 4:6-7 offers a profound invitation to relinquish our anxieties and worries and instead turn to prayer, offering our concerns and desires to a God who knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb. He knows every hair on your head, and He loves you more than you could ever imagine. Through prayer and supplication, we acknowledge our dependence on something greater than ourselves, finding solace in knowing that we are not alone in our struggles.

But we do not find peace just in prayer itself; peace begins to take root in our hearts when we surrender our burdens and trust in God. As we release our fears and uncertainties, we create space for God’s peace to dwell within us, a peace that transcends all human understanding.

This peace is not passive or fleeting; it is an active force, a fortress that guards our hearts and minds against the storms of life. It is a peace that remains steadfast in the face of adversity, a beacon of hope that shines brightly even in the darkest of times.

But perhaps most importantly, this peace is not reserved for a select few; it is a universal gift, freely available to all who seek it with open hearts and humble spirits. It is a gift bestowed upon us by a loving Creator, a gift that reminds us of our inherent worth and dignity as beloved children of God.

So let us heed the wisdom of Philippians 4:6-7, casting aside our anxieties and embracing the peace that surpasses all understanding. Let us open our hearts to the transformative power of prayer, allowing God’s peace to permeate every corner of our being. May this peace not just be a fleeting moment of tranquility but a guiding light that illuminates our path and sustains us through life’s journey. Remember, your happiness is your responsibility. 

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Daily Encouragement for 5-15-2024

You are gifted with the ability to sew seeds of hope, kindness, and perseverance each day. Like skilled gardeners, we sow these seeds with love and intention, knowing they can transform barren landscapes into lush gardens of abundance and joy.

However, sowing is merely the beginning of your adventure. As we nurture these seeds with patience and care, we embark on a transformative journey of growth and discovery, witnessing the miraculous evolution of tiny seeds into bountiful harvests.

On this path, we encounter challenges and setbacks, moments when the ground beneath us seems barren and lifeless. Yet, it is precisely in these moments that our faith and resilience are tested. The stars shine brightest during the darkest nights, guiding our way with their gentle glow.

And then, after days, weeks, or even years of toil, we begin to see the fruits of our labor. We reap the rewards of our perseverance, harvesting joy, fulfillment, and abundance beyond measure. Each flower that blooms, each smile that brightens a weary face, is a testament to the power of sowing and reaping.

So, let us continue to sew seeds of love and kindness wherever we go, knowing that our efforts are never in vain. And let us reap the rewards of our labor with gratitude and humility, celebrating the beauty and abundance surrounding us.

Ultimately, it is not the quantity of our harvest that matters but the love and intention with which we sew each seed. And as long as we continue to sew with love, our harvest will be bountiful beyond our wildest dreams.  Remember, your happiness is your responsibility.  

Daily Encouragement for 5-14-2024

Cultivating peace within ourselves and spreading it to our communities is vital for fostering harmony and well-being. Just like plants need nurturing and care to grow, peace also requires intentional effort and attention.

Within ourselves, planting seeds of peace involves practices like mindfulness, meditation, and self-reflection. These practices help us cultivate inner calmness, clarity, and compassion, which are essential for maintaining peace despite life’s challenges.

In our communities, planting seeds of peace involves promoting understanding, empathy, and cooperation. It can be as simple as offering a kind word to a neighbor, resolving conflicts through dialogue and compromise, or participating in social justice and equality initiatives.

By prioritizing peace within ourselves and actively nurturing it, you become part of developing harmony and understanding. This responsibility lies in your hands, and you have the power to make a difference. Remember, your happiness is your responsibility.  

Daily Encouragement for 5-13-2024

One of my favorite passages—I Corinthians 13- inspired today’s encouragement. As we continue planting seeds in the garden of our mind through the month, I want to continue focusing on the importance of love. Love is patient; love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. In every challenge you face, let love guide you. With patience and kindness, you can overcome any obstacle. Believe in the power of love within you and hold onto hope. You are capable of enduring and achieving great things through love. Remember, your happiness is your responsibility.

Daily Encouragement for 5-6-2024

This month, we’re planting mental health seeds in your garden of life. Today, we’re exploring the ripe fruit of love. Love is the fire that ignites our souls and propels us towards our potential. Love heals our wounds and helps us through life’s darkest nights. Embrace love in all its forms, for it’s the universal language that unites hearts and transcends barriers. Let love be your compass, leading you to boundless joy, endless possibilities, and a life of meaning and purpose. Cherish, nurture, and let it radiate from within you, for love can transform your world, one moment at a time. Remember, your happiness is your responsibility.  

Daily Encouragement for 4-30-2024

This month has been all about going to the mental gym. You have been purposeful in preparing for your day and becoming the best version of yourself each day. You have chosen to encourage yourself and the team around you. You have been envisioning your future self and pushing the needle just 1% to achieve this person. You have chosen to tame your thoughts. You explored and deconstructed your definition of your thoughts. You have realized your thoughts are not evil, but you have learned to ask yourself if your thoughts are true, accurate, and helpful and if they will productively push you. You have taken notice of your mental chatter. You have worked on managing your emotions. You have chosen to live victoriously rather than being a victim. You chose to live in a strong, courageous, creative, and compassionate place. You chose not to allow your feelings to own you. Chaos, pain, fear, anxiety, and disappointment are not a new concept, but you are actively learning second by second how to navigate all negative emotions with an optimistic viewpoint. You have chosen to make self-care a non-negotiable part of your daily routine. You realized that self-care looks different at different times: for example…. setting boundaries, saying no when necessary, getting enough sleep, eating nourishing foods, and engaging in relaxation and rejuvenation activities. You remind yourself daily, hourly, and sometimes by the second that you deserve this care. You are navigating the value of self-assessment. You may have begun journaling and regularly reviewing your mental health journey. You learned about the 321 rule. I learned about this from my mentor, Brendon Burchard. I don’t eat 3 hours before bed. I don’t exercise 2 hours before bed, and I do my best to stay off the computer or my phone 1 hour before bed. When my circadian rhythm is disrupted, I need to look at how disciplined I am with the 3 2 1 rule I set for myself.  You explored the power of pausing. Pausing is about mental rejuvenation.Take a moment to reset your mindset, shifting from self-doubt to self-belief. Reminding yourself of how far you’ve come and your limitless potential. Don’t stop moving forward. You are only stuck if you stop. You learned about the power of stretching and how stretching can enhance mood and emotional regulation. Emotional regulation is vital for your day-to-day success and the power of your choice. Choose to live in a mindless, stressful, bitter, or chaotic place, or you can choose a growth mindset, a calm presence of mind, a forward-thinking attitude, or an observant place. Just as a physical warm-up primes your muscles for exercise, taking a few moments each morning to mentally warm up can set a positive tone for the entire day.  You may have begun to purposefully choose to set intentions for the day ahead, envisioning the person you aspire to be. Whether it’s kindness, resilience, or creativity, remind yourself that you can cultivate these qualities. Your ‘why’ is not just a question; it’s a powerful tool that can ignite your motivation. It’s about understanding the purpose behind your actions, the driving force that propels you forward. How are you approaching your day? Who do you want to be today? How are you habit-stacking? What boundaries are you drawing for your success? What goals have you set? How are you measuring these essential things in your life?  Choosing not to take offense is more than a practice; it’s a potent tool that can unlock greater personal freedom and enhance mental well-being. It equips you to respond calmly and rationally, empowering you to control your reactions rather than being swayed by perceived slights or criticisms. Engaging in mindfulness practices further strengthens this ability, allowing you to be more present in the moment. By observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment, you can identify when you’re starting to feel offended and choose a more balanced response. You have learned the power of overcoming fear. Overcoming fear is not about banishing it entirely but learning to navigate through it. It’s about acknowledging its presence, understanding its roots, and reframing your perspective. Instead of viewing fear as an obstacle, you can see it as a compass guiding us toward what truly matters. You learned the power of learning daily for your mental and physical health. Keeping your brain active and healthy will give you physical freedom. Setting aside time each day to learn something new, whether small or big. You are choosing the powerful reset tool. Resetting your mind and body is crucial for optimal performance, whether in weight training or life in general. Taking the time to reset allows you to refocus, recharge, and approach the next set or event with renewed energy and clarity. When you commit to the process, embracing the challenges, setbacks, and lessons, you set yourself on a path of genuine growth and evolution. It’s a journey that demands patience, resilience, and perseverance. By not cheating ourselves out of the valuable experiences and insights from facing difficulties head-on, you cultivate a resilient, adaptable mindset and are open to learning. You are learning that mental and physical endurance builds you up. Mental endurance is the backbone of resilience, allowing you to persevere through adversity and maintain a positive outlook. Choosing to persevere through life’s trials will equip you with the tools to navigate life’s ever-changing status, bounce back from setbacks, and stay focused on your goals. Managing your emotions and making better decisions is part of cultivating endurance. In your journey toward optimal health, recalibrating means acknowledging when our bodies need rest, nourishment, or movement. It’s about listening to the whispers of fatigue and honoring them with self-care rather than pushing through the exhaustion. Recalibrating reminds us that progress isn’t always about trying harder; it’s often about finding balance and sustainability. Stress often carries a negative connotation in our fast-paced world, yet it can be reframed as a catalyst for personal growth and resilience. Through regular exercise, individuals can harness the power of stress to transform their mental well-being and emerge stronger than before. Exercise is a healthy coping mechanism, releasing endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine that act as powerful mood lifters and stress reducers. Going to the mental gym with each of you has been so much fun. I often like to work out alone, but this month has been very rewarding having you by my side. I am excited about May. We are going to plant a mental garden together. Remember, your happiness is your responsibility.  

Daily Encouragement for 4-29-2024

Stress often carries a negative connotation in our fast-paced world, yet it can be reframed as a catalyst for personal growth and resilience. Through regular exercise, individuals can harness the power of stress to transform their mental well-being and emerge stronger than before. Exercise is a healthy coping mechanism, releasing endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine that act as powerful mood lifters and stress reducers. These biochemical changes can lead to a significant improvement in overall mood. Physical activity fosters resilience, enhances self-esteem, and improves overall mood. The positive effects of exercise on self-esteem can be particularly uplifting, offering a sense of hope and optimism. Setting realistic goals will help you overcome common barriers and empower you to prioritize your mental health. Think of this as a journey of self-discovery and growth. By embracing exercise as a tool for mental well-being, you can turn stress into strength and cultivate a life of vitality and resilience. Regular exercise can help you use stress to your advantage and become stronger. There are many ways to cope with stress; however, exercise releases endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine, improving mood and reducing stress levels. Personal stories and case studies show that physical activity fosters resilience, enhances self-esteem, and improves overall mood. Exercise can be particularly uplifting for self-esteem, offering hope and optimism. By setting realistic goals and overcoming common barriers, individuals can prioritize their mental health and use exercise to embark on self-discovery and growth. By embracing exercise as a tool for mental well-being, individuals can turn stress into strength and cultivate a life of vitality and resilience.  Remember, your happiness is your responsibility.  

Daily Encouragement for 4-28-2024

Recalibrating is the art of realigning ourselves physically and mentally to reach our fullest potential. As weight equipment needs adjusting, we sometimes need to recalibrate our bodies and minds to stay on course toward our goals and well-being.

In our journey toward optimal health, recalibrating means acknowledging when our bodies need rest, nourishment, or movement. It’s about listening to the whispers of fatigue and honoring them with self-care rather than pushing through the exhaustion. Recalibrating reminds us that progress isn’t always about trying harder; it’s often about finding balance and sustainability.

Yet, recalibrating isn’t just about the physical; it’s equally crucial for our mental health. Amid life’s chaos, our minds can become cluttered with stress, doubt, and anxiety. Recalibrating allows us to pause, breathe, and realign our thoughts. It’s about letting go of what no longer serves us and focusing on what brings us peace and joy.

Just as exercise equipment needs to be recalibrated, we can also recalibrate our lives to navigate the ups and downs. It’s not about avoiding challenges but facing them with resilience and adaptability.

So, let’s embrace the journey of recalibration—of tuning into our bodies, listening to our minds, and adjusting our course as needed. In recalibrating, we discover our strength, stability, and the possibilities that lie within us. Remember, your happiness is your responsibility.  

Daily Encouragement for 4-27-2024

In the context of mental and physical health, endurance is a skill set crucial in life’s demanding situations. For instance, mental endurance could be staying focused on a task despite distractions, while physical endurance could be running a marathon. Whether it’s work challenges, personal setbacks, or maintaining a healthy lifestyle, mental and physical endurance are central to helping you move the needle just 1%. Embracing endurance, the ability to keep going and stay strong in the face of difficulties will help you overcome obstacles. The transformative power of mental and physical endurance is unlimited. Cultivating these traits can enhance resilience, boost energy levels, and improve well-being.

Mental endurance is the backbone of resilience, allowing you to persevere through adversity and maintain a positive outlook. Choosing to persevere through life’s trials will equip you with the tools to navigate life’s ever-changing status, bounce back from setbacks, and stay focused on your goals. Managing your emotions and making better decisions is part of cultivating endurance.

Your inner dialogue is not just a voice; it’s a lifeline. A positive inner dialogue, where you encourage and motivate yourself, can be the fuel that boosts your self-confidence, ignites your motivation, and fortifies your resilience during challenging times. It’s not just about what you say to yourself; it’s about the power of your words to shape your reality. Your body can hear you speaking. Every cell in your body hears. I believe God spoke the world into existence. So, pause today and think about how powerful your words are.

 Choosing a positive and solid friend group is not just about having company; it’s about having a support system that can provide encouragement, guidance, and perspective during difficult periods. Drawing boundaries is essential to your growth, and having the right people around you can make all the difference in your journey towards endurance.

Focusing on your physical endurance will equip you to resist fatigue during prolonged physical activity. It encompasses cardiovascular fitness, which can be improved through activities like running or swimming; muscular strength, which can be enhanced through weightlifting; flexibility, which can be increased through stretching exercises; and stamina, which can be built through endurance training. These are all essential for maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle. 

We all know that setting aside time to mix aerobic exercises like running or cycling and strength-training exercises like weightlifting can improve cardiovascular health, build muscular strength, and boost overall stamina, but what you put in your body is just as important as what you ask your body to do.

 Being purposeful about what you put in your body, such as choosing a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, vitamins, and minerals, will help you unlock new levels of success. What you put in your body is essential. Choosing a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, vitamins, and minerals will fuel your brain to make good decisions. These small puzzle pieces are crucial for supporting energy levels, muscle recovery, and overall physical performance.

Mental and physical endurance is not just a key; it’s the master key to unlocking your full potential. Integrating mindfulness practices, regular exercise, and a balanced lifestyle into your daily routines is cultivating resilience, boosting energy levels, and transforming your overall well-being. This is not just a lifestyle choice; it’s a necessity in your journey toward endurance and self-improvement. It’s a path that leads to a healthier, happier, and more resilient self, and it’s a path that’s open to all of us, offering hope and motivation for a better future.

Remember, building mental and physical endurance is not a daunting task but a journey of self-discovery and growth. Developing the skills to take yourself to the next level requires patience, work, and consistency. So, for today, please embrace the power of mental and physical endurance. Choose to embrace your journey toward a healthier, happier, more resilient you. Remember, your happiness is your responsibility.  

Daily Encouragement for 4-18-2024

There is a saying when lifting weights at the gym: Refrain from cheating the move. One of the fundamental principles for success at the gym is knowing and executing good form. Without good form, you are not allowing your body to receive the full benefit of the training you choose to spend your time on. The commitment to not cheating the move can not be overstated. Physical injury can set you back for months, and the same is valid for mental injuries.
This principle of not cheating the move extends beyond the gym and into our daily lives, particularly our mental and personal growth. Just as cheating undermines the integrity of the move’s purpose, taking shortcuts or bypassing essential steps in our personal development can hinder our growth and potential.
When we commit to the process, embracing the challenges, setbacks, and lessons, we set ourselves on a path of genuine growth and evolution. It’s a journey that demands patience, resilience, and perseverance. By not cheating ourselves out of the valuable experiences and insights from facing difficulties head-on, we cultivate a resilient, adaptable mindset and are open to learning.
Thriving in life is not about finding the quickest route to success but embracing the journey with all its ups and downs. It’s about understanding that each challenge we encounter is an opportunity for growth, and each setback is a chance to learn and improve.
Stacking more weight during lift time can be a measure of success; however, if you cheat on the move, you choose a shortcut and sacrifice your hard work. Like choosing good form, you choose a mindset of resilience and continuous evolution. Honoring and embracing the process will pave the way for genuine growth, fulfillment, and thriving in all aspects of our lives. Remember, your happiness is your responsibility.